2013.01.25 10:45
Christmas Event(December 24th at the Okago Church, Fujisawa-cho, Ishinomaki City, Iwate Prefecture)
Rentai Tohoku Seinan Staff, Tahir here.
On the 24th of December we assisted in a Christmas event at a Church in Okago, Fujisawa-cho, Ishinomaki City, Iwate Prefecture.
At the beginning of the Edo period more than 300 Christians were martyred in the Okago area. It has been the wish of our Chairperson to assist in vitalizing this area. Through the introduction of the Chief Priest of Fujisawa-cho, we were able to get to know Mr Hatakeyama, Director of the Okago Christian Resource Center.

Mr Hatakeyama participated in the dinner gatherings on the 30th of November in Okago and on the 1st of December in Senmaya-cho which provided the opportunity for exchange of opinions with our Chairperson. They concurred, and this lead to the current event being held.

● Illuminations switching-on ceremony
The illuminations switching-on ceremony was held at the Okago Church at 17:30 on the 23rd of December, and while snow fell lightly around, we did a countdown together with all those who gathered, and the lights turned on. Tens of thousands of LED lamps lit up together and the colorful lights twinkling in the darkness created a wonderful atmosphere in the church.
The illuminations were something Mr Hatakeyama, Director of the Okago Christian Resource Center, had been imagining for many years. It was done in the memory of the Christians who were martyred in this area in the past, as well as those who unfortunately lost their lives during the earthquake disaster. Mr Hatakeyama himself overcame various difficulties during the preparation of the illuminations and even climbed onto the roof himself to install the lights. With the help of Mr Hatakeyama's friends, Mr and Mrs Miura, who knew about illuminations, the switching-on ceremony was a great success.

● Meal gathering at farm guest house "Kanrakuro"
After the illuminations switching-on ceremony, a meal gathering was held at a farm guest house which was in a 130-year old building in Fujisawa-cho. Local residents and those who were affected by the disaster deepened their exchange while enjoying the meal prepared using locally grown vegetables and special "doburoku" (unrefined sake) brewed in a sake-making brewery of the guest house. The feelings of those people who lost their families in the great disaster is beyond our imagination, but through our discussions we were able to gather that they are all making progress one step at a time in the right direction. We are very much moved by the strength of the people when we see their courage in the face of such adverse circumstances.

● Christmas Mass
On the 24th of December we requested Father Takahashi from Mizusawa Church to hold a Christmas Mass at the Okago Church. In a very spiritual atmosphere a Bible verse was read, hymns were sung, with prayers for the repose of the victims' souls and recovery from the disaster.
Although for many participants it was their first time to attend a mass, everyone who gathered prayed together as one.

● Cake party
After the mass, everyone enjoyed chai made using fresh milk provided by a dairy farm in Senmaya-cho, along with homemade cake which was prepared by Mr Chiba who runs a yakiniku restaurant in Kawasaki-cho. On the cake it said 'Merry Christmas! Not defeated by the rain, nor by the wind' and the 30 people who gathered had a good time.
We would like to continue working in this area in the future.
The illumnations switching-on ceremony was reported in the Iwate Nichi-Nichi Shimbun, and the Christmas Mass was reported in the Iwate Nippo.
Article in the Iwate Nichi-Nichi Shimbun dated 24 December 2012

Article in the Iwate Nippo dated 25 December 2012

Categories:Staff reports
2013.01.25 10:45 admin