2017.12.24 08:36
Dinner Meeting (12/23, 2017 at Senmaya International Club, Senmaya, Iwate)

The Rentai Tohoku hosted a dinner party with about 30 guests at Senmaya International Club where the foundation is based, inviting some local people in Senmaya area. In addition to the guests from Senmaya, we welcomed Mr. and Mrs. Yonezawa from Rikuzentakata City, Mr. Bill Lewis from Oshu City, and Mr. Sugawara from Hiraizumi Town. Seeing their faces, we felt as if we were a one big family.
Whenever we have a dinner party at the club, Mr. and Mrs. Hatakeyama prepare Sukiyaki hotpot for the occasion. However, they missed the event this time as Mr. Hatakeyama suddenly fell ill and was hospitalized. We were extremely worried about his health. To our great relief, however, Mr. Hatakeyama recovered quickly and was soon discharged from hospital. We were very pleased to hear that he was able to enjoy New Year holiday with his family at home. All of us at the foundation wish him good health.
At the party, each guest made a speech and we listened to their honest opinions. We were able to exchange love among people in Tohoku, Japan and the rest of the world. The board chairman, who travels around the world, is particularly openhearted when he speaks about his thoughts and love for Tohoku and the world.
Mr. Yuichi Yonezawa, the managing director of Yonezawa Shokai in Rikuzentakata, had had a shop selling wrapping materials until the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11th 2011. Now he continues his business at a temporary shop. After the earthquake, he first evacuated to the rooftop of a three-story reinforced concrete building. However, the tsunami reached to the rooftop and he had to climb the chimney to escape the raising water. Sadly, his parents and younger brother who tried to evacuate elsewhere lost their lives.

Although the city requested Mr. Yonezawa to sell both the building and the land, he declined the request as it is the place where he narrowly survived the tsunami. He wanted to keep the building to remind the future generation of the horror of the tsunami.
As there is a plan to construct the new train station of Rikuzentakata near Mr. Yonezawa's building, the city heaped up earth in the neighbouring area along the railway track to make the land 8 meters higher than the original level. Luckily, his building is located outside the construction area and is going to be conserved for the moment.

Mr. Yonezawa put a sign indicating the tsunami water level on the chimney he climbed at the time of the earthquake. It represents his wish to keep the memory of the tsunami fresh and save lives next time the disaster hits the town. As a miraculous survivor, he is determined to live his life to the fullest, never regret and always keep his promises with others.
Many visit the building and Mr. Yonezawa spends a lot of time to guide them around. The board chairman has a plan to put a statue of Mr. Yonezawa on the chimney with the sign of the tsunami water level. It will show that the water reached 1 inch below Mr. Yonezawa while he was clinging onto the chimney. We believe he survived for a reason and admire what he has been doing since then.
We take his wish seriously and are going to work hard to carry out the plan to place the statue.
We are now preparing for an event in February, the coldest time in winter, for people who still live in temporary houses in Sanriku area. Also, we are hosting the 7th Anniversary Memorial Symposium at Mita Campus, Keio University on March 11th, 2018. The theme of the symposium is "Thank You from Tohoku!"
We hope that many will join us from various places with the spirit of love and peace.
Categories:Staff reports
2017.12.24 08:36 admin